Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Meet Axis Managing Director Adam McCall and LOL

The Axis Wake Research Team is a lot of fun and it consists of all types of people. Pro riders, Axis employees, boat owners, Axis dealers and any other Axis Wake enthusiast is considered a member of the team. The common thread, members all love to ride and no one takes themselves too seriously. The Axis Wake Research Team is all about fun.

Adam McCall is Axis Wake Research's Managing Director and one of the company's funnest and funniest characters. One of adam's nicknames is Cobra Kai, as you can see by the photo. We came across Adam's Facebook page today and a bio he wrote. We did a lot of "lol" so we had to share.

"Adam has short arms, crooked teeth, and a really big butt. He hails from Maryville, TN but now lives in CA with his Malibu brethren. He is educated in many forms of ninja kicks, judo punches, and Chuck Norris chops. He enjoys long walks on the beach, Neil Diamond albums, and ponies. Adam has an impressive array of awards to place on his mantle, including "Phi Mu Greek God, 2000" and an award in 8th grade for "Greatest Hair"...Adam considers both accomplishments more important than anything else he has ever done. Adam is, at best, a mediocre board sport enthusiast but claims to be able to surf, wakeboard, skate (inline skate of course), and snowboard...we highly doubt this all to be true except for inline skating. Adam legitimately can rock out on a pair of inline skates, doing criss-crosses, toe touches, and has even attempted a loop-t-loop. Adam is highly educated, supposedly holding degrees in Physics, Mechanical Engineering, and Finance but you'd never know it, as he rarely shows much more than a middle school education. He claims that he works best when the shapes and figures have color codes, but that he can, when needed, draw inside the lines on his own."

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Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This photo of Adam is classic.