The A22 Scott took out was outfitted with the 900-pound WakeBox 900 ballast system, which is standard in all A22s. The boat was also equipped with the optional Auto Set Wedge. The Auto Set Wedge creates another 1000 pounds of displacement. Scott and his buddies also added another 1000 pounds of weight to the boat to simulate the optional Plug N Play ballast system Axis offers, which was not present in the A22 he tested. The available Plug N Play system with custom Fly High sacks from Barefoot actually starts at 1275 pounds so the boat would have been little heavy with that option.
Jojo, who is the founder of the Wakeboard Coalition and the rider featured in many of Scott's shots, is 6 feet tall. You can use his height to gauge just how tall the A22 wake is. Jojo was ridding at 22.7 MPH, according to the A22 speed control system, which boats comes with standard. Jojo's line length was 75 feet and the Auto Set Wedge was down.
When Scott posted his test data on WakeWorld.com he wrote this, "The Boat is awesome. Wakes are big and clean and the transition from wake to wake is one of the best I have ever rode. Everything in the boat is well designed and well built."
One of the first features of the A22 people notice is the windshield. It gives the boat a unique style, but it was actually developed to accomplish several different usability goals. Scott experienced the convenience of the A22 windshield firsthand.
"The windshield in the boat is very user friendly. It makes it way easier to talk to and see riders in the water and blocks the wind just as good as a normal windshield dose and I think its more functional for the type of ridding we all do." He continued, "Around the dock the windshield makes it way easier to hold the boat in place and grab the dock."
Here are a couple other quotes from Scott about the A22.
"The way the boat handled and the amount of power the boat had was unbelievable."
"After ridding behind the boat I think is it a very good deal for 39-40k. You get everything that you need to have a core wakeboarding boat at a fraction of the price. Stock, the boat comes with a ton of stuff that is extra on other base model boats." See for yourself at axiswake.com.
To see Scott's complete gallery of photos from his day on the lake with the Axis A22 visit his Photobucket channel.
We will continue to keep you posted about third-party A22 tests like this. Or check with your local Axis dealer and test the A22 yourself.
Tags: Axis Wake Research A22 wakeboard wake boat test Scott Flanagan Dallas Lake Lewisville
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